Progressive Cheverly's Green Pages

In our stated Principles, Progressive Cheverly works to encourage these values:

  •  An ecologically sound economy must meet society’s material needs through sustainable use of nontoxic and renewable energy, materials and processes.

  •  Society must conserve, restore and protect its natural resources and prevent further degradation of the environment.

In support of these values, we are providing these Green Pages as a resource to our neighbors in Cheverly.  Included is information about the Cheverly Green Homes Certification Program, links to environmentally- friendly products, services, vendors and organizations and other programs we are currently developing.

Our Environmental Committee meets regularly and welcomes participation by all interested neighbors.  Check the Bulletin for upcoming meetings.

Let's work together to make Cheverly a better place to live!

Progressive Cheverly encourages our neighbors to join us in Going Green.  We are endorsing the Cheverly Green Home Certification Program.  To qualify, a Cheverly resident needs to adopt many of the recommendations found on the Qualifications Sheet.  Reach or exceed 1,000 points and your home becomes a Cheverly Certified Green Home.

Cheverly Green Home Certification Program

Use the survey sheet (click here) to see if you have a green home.  The survey covers not only the energy efficiency of your house, but also conservation measures that can be taken outside your home.  A minimum of 1,000 points are needed to qualify as a ‘Cheverly Green Home.’  If you fall short, use this as a guide to improve the energy efficiency of your home. 

Explanations of survey items:

  1. Regular use of town recycling bins for newspapers, glass, plastic and aluminum bottles, cans & jars; mixed paper including cardboard, magazines and circulars.

  2. Energy star appliances – Energy star appliances are designed to use less energy. They meet federal guidelines and are tagged with the EnergyStar logo. (

  3. Heating & Air Conditioning – EnergyStar rated furnace AND Air Conditioner unit. Carbon neutral heating – corn-fed or wood pellet-fed woodstove.

  4. Energy audit – on-line audit through PEPCO or Washington Gas website. Certified auditor including blower door test and/or infrared camera test. (

  5. Home Lighting – the use of Compact Fluorescent Lights can greatly reduce your energy consumption. Count the total number of interior and exterior light and see how many are CFLs.

  6. Yard – percentage of yard (minus house footprint) that is not turf, driveway or sidewalk.  Minimal use of lawnmowers, fertilizers and herbicides in encouraged.  Alternatives include non-invasive native grasses and plants, flower and vegetables gardens, trees and shrubs.

  7. Backyard Habitat Certification – providing for bird and animal habitat – shelter, food, water and nesting area.

  8. Rain water conservation – re-using rainwater in your own yard instead of letting it drain to the Anacostia River and the Chesapeake Bay

  9. Transportation – minimize use of cars and vans.  Use EPA ratings for your year, make and mode (highway or combined mileage).

  10. Bonus points:

    1. Domestic solar hot water heater

    2. Solar PV cells – 50% or more of household electricity produced by rooftop photovoltaic cells.

    3. Wind Energy Credit – buying power generated by wind farms instead of PEPCO

    4. Clothesline – use of outdoor clotheslines instead of electric/gas clothes dryer.


Return your completed survey to:

Cheverly Green Home
6215 Inwood Street
Cheverly, MD 20785-3113

Include $5 (cash or check – payable to ‘Progressive Cheverly’) if your total points are 1,000 or above.

Please list how you want your name listed on the certificate.
(The Smith family, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Jones, Joseph Walker, etc.)

Below are links to several related websites.  They are roughly grouped by these themes:





Political Groups:



© 2009-2013 Progressive Cheverly      Progressive Cheverly is an independent citizens’ organization with no affiliation to the government of the Town of Cheverly.

Last modified: 05/18/13